Action required: Update scopes for Forge and OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps

Hi @JuliaDaehne,

I am facing two issues as part of the new scope implementations for OAUth2 APIs.

  • Adding “offline_access” scope in the auth url is causing 400 error for Webhook Creation API. See my question here. If I remove this scope then everything is working fine(except I won’t get refresh token which I will need to issue new access_token)

This sounds super weird BUT it’s exactly what is happening right now with me.

Another similar sort of issue:

  • adding “read:label:jira” is causing 400 errors in other APIs(below)
POST /rest/api/3/search
POST /rest/api/3/webhook

Again, If I remove this scope then everything is working fine(except I won’t be able to call Labels API which I need as part of the integration). See my question here.

Is there anything I am doing wrong because this seems super weird to me.