Action required: Update scopes for Forge and OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps

Hi, I posted about an issue I had while migrating to the new scopes about a month ago here, but wanted to post on this thread as well since I haven’t gotten any feedback there.

As I understand it, the legacy scopes will no longer be deprecated, but my team and I would still like to use more granular scopes if possible.

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I’m in the process of updating my app to use the new granular scopes for JIRA OAuth. I’ve added the scopes in my code and in the developer console, but when I attempt to GET from /rest/api/3/project, I receive the below error message:

“Access to the resource was denied due to missing scope grants. Your app was granted the following scopes: [read:field:jira, offline_access, read:issue:jira, read:label:jira, read:project:jira , read:project.component:jira].

The resource can be accessed by having one of these groups of:

  • current scopes: [read:issue-type-hierarchy:jira, read:user:jira, read:application-role:jira, read:avatar:jira, read:issue-type:jira, read:project:jira ,, read:project-category:jira, read:project.component:jira, read:group:jira, read:project-version:jira]
  • deprecated scopes: [read:jira-work]”

As you can see in bold, the message is simultaneously telling me that I have the needed scope and that I can’t access the resource because I don’t have the needed scope.

I know that the endpoint I’m using is deprecated, but I’ve also tried with the newer /rest/api/3/project/search endpoint and get the same result. I’ve also hit the same endpoint in my browser and received a 200 response.

Has anyone else run into this? Am I missing something?

