Add new version before release Forge Custom UI app

Hi Everyone!

We have a Forge Custom UI app, already on Marketplace but not released yet.
So we sent the app for review 2 months ago and it is already approved, but it isn’t released yet as you can see in the picture:

But today I deployed a new version of the app, that we would like to release and list on Marketplace publicly.
I can’t see the new version of the app in the list but if I click ‘Create version’ button I see the new version (2.2.0) but on ‘Next: Make public’ button I get this message:

Documentations sad, after a few minutes I should see the new version in the list and releasing new version is automatically happen, not necessary to click ‘Create version’ button.

Should we release first the app, then new version will automatically appear in the list and will automatically released?
Or should we wait more time without releasing the app to automatically see the new version in the list? And after hit ‘Release this app now’?

I’m a bit confused and cannot find the right steps in this situation.

Thanks for the answer in advance!

The problem solved when I released the app, and after that I was able to Create new version.