Announcement: Bitbucket Server 7.0 EAP2 release

Hi @izymesdev, I can understand the confusion and frustration about that. From my point, I can share that last week we run a spike task that uncovered a few technical challenges we need to solve on our end. We also found a blocker in one of the external libraries we use. Once we have a fix for that issue, we can progress with the integration in our codebase. I can reassure you that we are working on that, but it’s hard to provide any strict date when we will be able to ship the new extension point. Personally, I think it’s a matter of one or two more release cycles, so probably we might have the new extension point after we release version 7.3.
We always care about the quality in Bitbucket, and we think that releasing a half-ready solution is not what we would like to release. Removing the plugin point without providing the alternative in the first place was our mistake. I’ll forward your message to our management.


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