API Tutorial for release panel?

I am a newbie in jira cloud and finally I found the right place for getting support.

View release information for an issue

If your administrator has connected Jira Software to a compatible release tool, a releases panel will be displayed on the View Issue screen.

For the moment I have no idea, how a Connect App could post data to the REST API endpoints.

I am looking for a tutorial that explains How or with what to post Build and Deployment data to jira.

Step1 from developer cloud jira getting-started is done.
Source code in glitch https://jira-release-panel.glitch.me/atlassian-connect.json

Hi @matjung,


I have no idea, how a Connect App could post data to the REST API endpoints

We provide two frameworks to help you build Connect apps - these are probably your best bet to get started:


Thanks Dugald

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