Atlassian Administration API - Is there a way to query org users by email?

Does anyone know if there is a way to query users by email or other fields other than ID in the Atlassian Administration organizations REST API?

I’m trying to search for org users by email, which would be much more convenient than having to return all org users via countless calls due to the pagination configuration and then search through all the results.

Example of what I’d think the query endpoint would look like, but doesn’t work:{orgId}/users?query={email}

Any input is appreciated.

Atlassian Administration organizations REST API documentation:

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Hi @MatthewEnright. Welcome to the community. AFAIK, there isn’t a method for searching for users by email via the Admin API methods.

However, there is a way to do this with the Jira REST APIs.


The result of that call will include the accountId of a matching account.

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Thank you @nmansilla. Unfortunately it looks like this won’t work if the user doesn’t have a Jira account, for example if they are only using Trello.

I have a follow-up question. Does the Atlassian Administration organizations REST API allow you to modify the pagination limit of a query return, such as ‘?limit=5’? Is the maximum limit 50?