Atlassian Connect Add-on Spring Boot API get licensed installed jira cloud instances

Hello Cloud Add-on Experts,

Is there any way or API procedure to get licensed and installed jira cloud instances in Atlassian Connect Spring boot?

Best regards,
Swetha Shetty

@scmenthusiast, there is no webhook on license change, so atlassian-connect-spring-boot doesn’t keep track of that state. You can list all your past and present installations using AtlassianHostRepository#findAll() and filter by AtlassianHost#isAddonInstalled() to find current installations.

To obtain the license state, simply query the /addons endpoint.

URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(atlassianHost.getBaseUrl()).path("/rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons").build().toUri();
... = atlassianHostRestClients.authenticatedAsAddon().getForObject(uri, ...);

Thank you very much Einar, that’s exactly what I am looking … :sunglasses: