Atlassian Custom BI Connector


I am new to Atlassian and I am building a data connector to fetch JIRA’s projects, queues, and issues into an SQL Server table.
I use the Atlassian’s API to fetch:

  1. first the projects using [myaccount.atlassian./rest/api/2/project]
  2. and then for each element I am fetching the queues using [myaccount.atlassian./rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{project}/queue]
  3. and then for each element I am fetching the issues using [myaccount.atlassian./rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{project}/queue/{queue}/issue]

Reading the documentation seems that there are parameters like start and limit, in my case I want to fetch all every night to get the latest changes. So, what I should place in the limit parameter? Also in the documentation is saying that there is a server limitation. Or this limit is not referring to all total objects and only in the objects per request?