Bitbucket Cloud API privacy updates | deprecation notice (12 Oct 2018)

Hi @jcolli2,

I’m upgrading our app to handle the GDPR changes and just want to confirm a few things/ask a few follow ups:

  • It sounds like the concept of a user profile is going away based on your response here. Will there be some equivalent link for this user in the workspace? We display user’s avatar next to a link to their bitbucket profile in our app and would like to maintain a similar experience, even just linking to user activity in a workspace would be nice.

  • In the migration guide, it mentions that the avatar link “should be considered opaque”. Can you give more context as to what this means? Again, we’d love to display their picture next to their recent changes and want to make sure this is possible.

  • Will general (non-API) links that use {username}/{repository_name} continue to work? (for instance something like “”) Or will these be replaced by uuid as well?

  • Will the “repository.full_name” change to show the uuid instead of username if a user is the owner?

Also, I wanted to note that the migration guide still wrongly says that links.html.href returns the user’s avatar. Just wanted to make sure that was cleared up!

Thanks a lot!