Bug: Macro configuration will not dynamically render components

Radio boxes are supported, but checkboxes are not. At least per the documentation referenced above. I haven’t actually tried to insert a Checkbox and watch it fail. But I agree that not supporting the Checkbox component in a config seems like an oversight.

The whole documentation surrounding macro configuration needs some real work. It is clear that they have middleware messing with your components, and through trial and error you learn that the way UI Kit components are documented are not the way they behave when rendered in a configuration pane. It would be very useful if Atlassian were to document what they are doing in that middleware and how it effects the behavior of components.

And while I’m ranting about Atlassian documentation it is not at all clear what MacroConfig is relation to this https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/add-configuration-to-a-macro-with-ui-kit/ which clearly doesn’t say anything about MacroConfig.

So, useConfig() must be a MacroConfig thing? And MacroConfig is a UI Kit 1 thing? Except what’s this https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ui-kit/hooks/use-config/ which references MacroConfig at the bottom? And why wouldn’t the other page tell you to use useConfig? More ranting, Atlassian really screwed the pooch when they decided it would be a good idea to rebrand UI Kit 2 as UI Kit, and UI Kit as UI Kit 1. Do they realize how that makes documentation over time kind of useless?

I’m using Custom UI in the macro, and hence UI Kit 2 in the config. And the “add configuration to your macro” documentation says to use useEffect() along with view.getContext() to retrieve and use the config.

I must say that if you are coming to the Atlassian development from a blank slate, the way they’ve evolved their developer products makes it exceedingly difficult to know which documentation to trust for the application you are trying to implement.