Building an ACE addon with GCP Datastore backend

Hi Jira Developer community,
I’m building a Jira cloud add-on using the Atlassian Connect Express framework. I use GCP Datastore as my database and don’t have a RDBMS like MySQL or PostGREs available.
I’m trying to figure out what the “store” config needs to be in “config.json”
Looking through the documentation it says it uses Sequelize internally which doesnt support GCP Datastore. Is there any way to configure this?

Hi @PrasadPrabhu1, there isn’t an adapter for GCP Datastore that’s baked into ACE. The adapters available are Postgres, DynamoDB, Mongo, Redis, sqlite, etc. Perhaps if you look at how the adapters are built, you could adapt to your own needs.

Thanks @nmansilla!
Thats what i ended up doing. I have built an adapter that works GCP DataStore.