Bulk update without notification


We have a dropdown select list that is populated from our system (Connect App) that has about 4k / 5k options in the list. We also have 100 to1000+ issues that have options selected for that dropdown field.

What we would like to do is replace those fields with a new options in that dropdown in bulk but NOT send email notifications to watchers/assignee/reporter for the change as it is old options.

I.e similar to this https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v2/api-group-issue-custom-field-options--apps-/#api-rest-api-2-field-fieldkey-option-optionid-issue-delete but not have the email notification send.

I even tried a bulk issue update on the front end becuase I have the JQL for it but because the dropdown has so many options, they just don’t populate on the 3rd screen in the bulk update process for the dropdown.

Thank you

Hi there - any updates or workaround on this perhaps? Thank you