Calculate the difference between the resloved date and created dated

calculate the difference between the resloved date and created dated in years , months and day format.

eg : 810 days was the result . BUT i need it as 2 years , 2 months and 11 days format as the result .

Written the script in the script field with script runner plugin .

Can anyone help me in code to convert in my required format

Hi @kiranmaigenkolla1

if you have days, you can try to format them to the correct format

​import java.time.* 

int totalDays = 810  

Period diff = { now ->
    Period.between(now, now.plusDays(totalDays))

println "$diff.years years, $diff.months months and $diff.days days"

Results: 2 years, 2 months and 18 days


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Hi @adam.labus ,

Getting the below error after giving the import as well

Hi @kiranmaigenkolla1

add below imports:

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.Period;


Thanks its working