Can I config all fields of issue cannot edit except one or some specific custom fields

I want on status Closed, all the fields cannot edit except my custom field. Is there any way to do that?
Thank you!

Read-only isn’t a thing in Jira Cloud:
Solved: set readonly property to a field?.

Even in Server/Data Center, you can only do so by purchasing ScriptRunner and use its feature “Behavior” (which as I understand is injecting JavaScript to do so).

I think the only way to not allow editing a field is to not include it in edit screen, or display a read-only custom field that receives its value from the hidden field.

For editing a closed issue, you need to modify the workflow. The Closed status has a property “jira.issue.editable=false” defined. Remove it, and you can edit the issue… and all the fields, not just your custom field.

I think you can keep the editable=false on Closed status, and add a new transition from Closed back to Closed. For this transition, associate a screen with your custom field only.

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