Can you store User Properties with an addon?

Hi all,

I’m trying to save user properties from a Jira cloud add-on, but I’m getting a 403 return code. The scenario is that the current logged in user makes a client code to save a property as follows:

setupAjax: function()
    var token = $("meta[name=token]");

      headers: { 
        'Authorization': 'JWT ' + token.attr("content"),
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

AP.require('request', function(request)
          url: '/rest/api/3/user/properties/' + propertyKey + '?accountId=' + deeperData.atlassianAccountId,
          type: 'PUT',
          body: deeperData.productTourSections,
          success: function(response)
          error: function(response)

The documentation states that:

Permissions required:

  • Administer Jira global permission, to set a property on any user.
  • Access to Jira, to set a property on the calling user’s record.

Hence my question: for an add-on to save user properties, is there an admin action to perform so that any user using the add-on can save its user properties?

Thank you,
