Cannot get issue summary and description from Jira in Forge

Am working with Forge UI KIT to get issue summary and description from Jira. when I run the code below, it throws error

Error: Error thrown in the snapshot context.
App code snapshot error: Snapshot error occurred: Error: Cannot destructure prop
erty issueKey of ‘undefined’ or ‘null’.
Learn more about the snapshot context at Sign In

Below is the code

//import goes here

// Get the context issue key
  const { platformContext: { issueKey } } = useProductContext();
const fetchIssue = async () => {

    // Fetch issue fields  from Jira
    const issueResponse = await api.asApp().requestJira(`/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}?fields=summary,description`);
    await checkResponse('Jira API', issueResponse);
    //const { summary, description } = (await issueResponse.json()).fields;

const data = (await issueResponse.json()).fields;

console.log('Display Issues');
return data;


const App = () => {

const [ issues, setIssues ] = useState(fetchIssue);

  return (
      <Text>Display Issues!  {issues.summary}  {issues.description}</Text>

export const run = render(
    <App />
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Resolved, i have to move

const { platformContext: { issueKey } } = useProductContext();

inside fetchIssue() function


Hi EsedoFredrick,

When you open the issue view, and start typing different things into the comment box without adding any comment, do you have the issue where the app is sending too many calls to retrieve ticket details?