Checkbox in Dashboard Gadget Edit form in Custom UI fails

I’m getting errors when I add a checkbox to the Dashboard Gadget configuration. I am writing the gadget using Custom UI so I can add graphs and charts to the Gadget.
The edit config works great without the checkbox, but as soon as I add the checkbox, I get an error in the browser:
Here is my ‘Edit’ code:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Form, { Field } from '@atlaskit/form';
import TextField from '@atlaskit/textfield';
import Button, { ButtonGroup } from '@atlaskit/button';
import { Checkbox } from '@atlaskit/checkbox';
import { view } from '@forge/bridge';

function Edit() {
  const [defaultValues, setDefaultValues] = useState({
    assetQuery: '',
    countField: '',  // Field to count
    chartLabel: '',
    chunkSize: 1000, // Default chunk size set to 1000
    groupField: '', // Field for dataset grouping
    separateField: '', // Field to separate datasets
    isDateField: false, // Checkbox for date field

  useEffect(() => {
    view.getContext().then((context) => {
      const config = context.extension.gadgetConfiguration || {};
        assetQuery: config.assetQuery || '',
        countField: config.countField || '',
        chartLabel: config.chartLabel || '',
        chunkSize: config.chunkSize || 1000,
        groupField: config.groupField || '',
        separateField: config.separateField || '',
        isDateField: config.isDateField || false,
    }).catch((err) => {
      console.error('Error fetching context:', err);
  }, []);

  const onSubmit = (formData) => view.submit(formData);

  return (
    <Form onSubmit={onSubmit} defaultValues={defaultValues}>
      {({ formProps, submitting }) => (
        <form {...formProps}>
          <Field name="assetQuery" label="Enter the AQL Query" defaultValue={defaultValues.assetQuery}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => <TextField {...fieldProps} />}
          <Field name="chartLabel" label="Enter the label for the chart" defaultValue={defaultValues.chartLabel}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => <TextField {...fieldProps} />}
         <Field name="chunkSize" label="Enter the number of records retrieved per call. To avoid query timeouts, choose a number that can be retrieved within 20 seconds. All records will be returned, but in chunks of this size. The default is 1000 records per call." defaultValue={defaultValues.chunkSize}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => <TextField {...fieldProps} />}
          <Field name="groupField" label="Enter the field name to use for the bars in the chart" defaultValue={defaultValues.groupField}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => <TextField {...fieldProps} />}
          <Field name="isDateField" defaultChecked={defaultValues.isDateField}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => (
              <Checkbox {...fieldProps} label="Field is a date field" />
          <Field name="separateField" label="Enter the field name to use for separating datasets (stacked bar chart, optional)" defaultValue={defaultValues.separateField}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => <TextField {...fieldProps} />}
          <Field name="countField" label="Enter the field name to use for counting (optional)" defaultValue={defaultValues.countField}>
            {({ fieldProps }) => <TextField {...fieldProps} />}
          <br />
            <Button type="submit" isDisabled={submitting}>
            <Button appearance="subtle" onClick={view.close}>

export default Edit;

and here is the error I’m getting:

react.production.min.js:19 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at B (react.production.min.js:19:404)
    at t.useState (react.production.min.js:25:277)
    at checkbox.js:164:19
    at Za (react-dom.production.min.js:153:146)
    at No (react-dom.production.min.js:173:192)
    at Es (react-dom.production.min.js:265:425)
    at Ol (react-dom.production.min.js:246:265)
    at Sl (react-dom.production.min.js:246:194)
    at gl (react-dom.production.min.js:239:172)
    at react-dom.production.min.js:123:115

Is there any way to run the non-minified version of the code so that I can see the actual error message in my browser?

This seems like an error more with the Atlaskit component, rather than Forge. Perhaps that category would have better answers?

I think in general you can get non-minified versions when tunneling to the app, but that’s probably mostly with UI Kit. For Custom UI, I’d guess it matters how you serve your app locally. :person_shrugging: