com.atlassian.cache.memory.MemoryCacheManager does not release references?

Yes, it’s plain injection. ProjectMappingManagerImpl constructor has CacheManager cacheFactory (com.atlassian.cache.CacheManager) as IN parameter (see below).

import com.atlassian.cache.CacheManager;
import com.atlassian.cache.CacheSettingsBuilder;
import com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager;

public class ProjectMappingManagerImpl implements ProjectMappingManager {

    private final ProjectMappingDao dao;
    private final ProjectManager projectManager;
    private final Cache<Set<Long>, Optional<Set<Integer>>> cache;

    public ProjectMappingManagerImpl(ProjectManager projectManager,
                                     CacheManager cacheFactory,
                                     ProjectMappingDao dao) {
        this.projectManager = projectManager;
        this.dao = dao;
        this.cache = cacheFactory.getCache(ProjectMappingManagerImpl.class.getName() + ".cache",
                new MappingCacheLoader(),
                new CacheSettingsBuilder()
                        .expireAfterAccess(7, TimeUnit.DAYS)

“Also since you mentioned the issue of interacting with other add-ons - are you using osgi declarations? Is MemoryCacheManager optional there?”
What is osgi declaration?
We declare ProjectMappingManagerImpl in atlassian-plugin.xml

    <component key="projectMappingManager" name="projectMappingManager" class="com.myplagin.ProjectMappingManagerImpl" public="false">

but atlassian-plugin.xml doesn’t contain lines like

<component-import key="cacheManager" interface="com.atlassian.cache.CacheManager" />
<component-import key="projectManager" interface="com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager" />

Shall we?

Also since you mentioned the issue of interacting with other add-ons

Sorry for confusing description. It is all about the single and the same add-on. I’ve just described the scenario of updating it from one version to another (so plugin’s event occur, like disable plugin, enable plugin and so on).