Community request: can we have a no-bullshit update on the future AtlasKit?

As a designer I recognize everything Jari has said. The release of the ADG Sketch Library was very promising, but unfortunately it was outdated since the start. There’s no consistency between the Sketch Library, ADG, Atlaskit. And AUI is also still out there, with it’s own incomplete guidelines.

The first thing you see on the Atlaskit website is this great promise:

Atlassian’s official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design Guidelines.

Unfortunately this is not true. It’s very frustrating to work with design documentation that does not match the ui library. For me as a designer, but also for the developers I work with.

I have also made the decision to build my own ADG library in figma. This took away one of the sources of information. But I’m still moving between ADG, AUI and Atlaskit to find what I’m looking for.

The most important thing is that your design guidelines and ui library are up-to-date. Support of one or more design tools are a nice bonus, but in the current state it only adds to the confusion and frustration.