Confluence 8.7 beta is available now

(...) Package com.atlassian.mywork.service is deprecated and will be made unavailable for export to plugin com.playsql.requirementyogi in a future release
(...) Package com.atlassian.mywork.model is deprecated and will be made unavailable for export to plugin com.playsql.requirementyogi in a future release

Question #1. Those packages com.atlassian.mywork.service and com.atlassian.mywork.model are the API for the Workday tray (the inbox messages). Is there a suitable upgrade? Same for dom4j, which is a required argument of pluginController.addDynamicModule().

#2. Sources for Confluence 8.7 are unavailable, and Atlassian’s support refuses to provide them. If not,

  • How can we access what’s written in @deprecated javadocs, which generally points to the replacement method?
  • How can we access what’s written in @since javadocs, which was of great help to understand whether we’re able to use a method if we want to be compatible with Confluence 7.19, which is the standard at this time.
  • Shouldn’t Atlassian at least publish the Javadocs?

#3. Is ‘slf4j’ the correct logger in Confluence? It seems Confluence doesn’t export org.apache.log4j.Logger anymore.

#4. AMPS fails even if you import the libraries as <scope>compile</scope>

[WARNING] Rule 2: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.BannedDependencies failed with message:
make sure platform artifacts are not bundled into plugin
Found Banned Dependency:
Found Banned Dependency: org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.14.0
Found Banned Dependency:
Use 'mvn dependency:tree' to locate the source of the banned dependencies.

I suppose we can just configure AMPS to ignore banned dependencies, but would it be possible to update AMPS to make it ignore dependencies that are not provided by Confluence anymore?

Thank you!