I’m using Cloud Confluence REST API to publish pages.
The page content is created fully in HTML.
It works well and we are using it often. Today I wanted to put some color in some case (errors in red for example) but I was unable to do it. Error 400 “Bad Request”
I read that usual html format is not recognized by Confluence API.
Can you explain me how to do it please ?
Hello @Calimero
The format for marking up XHTML text with a color is described in the Text Effects section of the Confluence Storage Format documentation.
For example:
POST /wiki/api/v2/pages
"spaceId": "123456",
"title": "Page created using XHTML content",
"body": {
"representation": "storage",
"value": "A sentence with <span style=\"color: rgb(255,0,0);\">red text</span>"
Many thanks. I didn’t see it on the documentation, probably look at the wrong place.