Confuence connection is not persistence for external(Jira Data Center) gadgets

I have a Jira gadget that doesn’t work right in a Confluence (version 7.6.0). I’m using a Jira Data Center (version 8.8.0). Session persistency configured on the load balancer for the Jira DC. Session persistency works fine for the gadget when it used inside Jira DC.

But when I’m trying to use the gadget as External gadget in the Confluence - persistence doesn’t work - it looks like Confluence makes distinct login/logout for each request from the gadget and they ended up in different Jira nodes. Requests are initiated periodically from the gadget(js AJAX requests) and it expects to be using the same node(depends on the synchronization of the server and client states).

Is it expected behavior of a Confluence(to have distinct sessions per separate requests from external gadget) or not and whether I can change that somehow?

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