Create a webhook using the REST api

I am trying to create a webhook with the REST api with a Connect App. My app has the admin scope. I am sending a post request to baseUrl/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook with the following payload structure:

"name": "Integration",
"url": "https://myurl/api/webhook/",
"events": [
"filters": {
"issue-related-events-section": "Project = JRA AND resolution = Fixed"
"excludeBody" : False

Each time I send a request I get a 403 - Forbidden. I can access the /rest/api/2/ endpoint with the sharedSecret using jwt authentication

I am not sure why that particular request is failing (I have not used the api’s under rest/ ... / 1.0)

Perhaps you could try using the webhooks rest api 2.0 version, which appears to be very similar: documented here:

I just tried out your payload and found a little problem. Value of “excludeBody” key is False, which should be “false”.

I tried out this payload which works:

"name": "Integration",
"url": "https://myurl/api/webhook/",
"events": [
"filters": {
"issue-related-events-section": "Project = JRA AND resolution = Fixed"
"excludeBody" : "false"

Please try this out and let us know if it still doesn’t work.