/createmeta endpoint semantics

Hi all,

our Jira app provides several 3rd party custom fields, and we started looking at how to provide an accurate description of these fields so that other apps can create issues and set values for these fields.

we’re thinking this can be done by customizing the output of the /createmeta endpoint (GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes/{issueTypeId}. However we could not find documentation on the semantics of the output for this endpoint. More specifically, we couldn’t find the standard way to express the field type using the schema field, or how the allowedValues array should be structured.

Does anyone know where to look for the description of this enpoint output? Has one of you ever provided values to Testrails through this endpoint and set values for their non-atlassian custom fields?

Thanks for reading