Crowd REST API for group child won´t work

Hi Community,

I want to create a group child / parent connection in Crowd by REST API.
All my other REST calls work fine, but this one won´t work.

I use the following API call:
POST /rest/usermanagement/1/group/child-group/direct

The only available parameter is groupname (used for parent group).

But how should I send the groupname for the child?
I tried to set the child groupname in parameters, headers, as POST JSON but I get always the same error messages: No content to map to Object due to end of input
Unrecognized field “groupname”

Can someone send me an example (perhaps SoapUI, curl or something else).
In my understanding I normally would use two parameters in JSON (parent and child).


The solution for the issue is:

  • Header parameter groupname = parent group
  • JSON parameter name = child group

The Atlassian documentation is incorrect on this point