Custom UI with jira:globalPage gets padded with empty space


Happy that we now can create Forge apps with jira:globalPage!
In doing that I ran into getting a “dead empty space” around my globalPage.

Is it possible to get rid of it or minimize it?

Attaching a screenshot, where I’ve set the background to grey to make it clear where this “dead space” is:


@freatt Hi !
Glad to hear you like GlobalPage :slight_smile:

From what I can tell You are using Custom UI for the GlobalPage. Could You please provide more information about targeted element ?

I’m asking because everything up to the top of html document can be adjusted however you like using CSS. Example of adjusting html document to height: 10%:

One thing regarding the size of the entire globalPage module. The height of the whole module is calculated from 100% of the screen height (doesn’t matter if its UI Kit or Custom UI), so it will stretch anyway.


You can set the layout for your module to basic, it will get rid of the title, the top margin, and the right margin.

  - key: global-page
    title: Global Page
    layout: basic

The left margin is controlled by the outer div of our iFrame and the layout: basic does not help, so just raise a request to Atlassian and see how they react.

This is the screenshot of the basic layout:

Hope it helps

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Hi @nhac.tat.nguyen thanks for the tip!

With layout: basic I’m getting just that left side margin of “dead space”, so much better but still unclear why that should be there.

Being new here, with raising a request to Atlassian - do you mean creating an issue in the Forge Jira Forge - Issues - Ecosystem Jira ?


My example was a bit bad - the problem is the left side margin, as shown in the example by @ nhac.tat.nguyen.

Any updates on this?

I checked the kanban board and couldn’t find this issue. I created one for them


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We are going to remove the margin left for global page. It is clear that it make no sense to be there.

Best regards, Kamil


That’s great news @KamilRichert - thank you! Our design relies on a sidebar on the left and it looks really ugly right now.

Looking forward for a fix. Any timeline on this? Remove that piece of css shouldn’t take that long ( :stuck_out_tongue: )


I hope that it would be fix in next week. :slight_smile:



Any news?


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5 weeks later there is still this annoying 10px padding on the left. Are there any updates on when it will be removed? Even when using the new subpages & sections features the padding is still in place. Any updates @KamilRichert ?

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I’m sure the 10px padding is frustrating and so is the 4 weeks overdue fix. However, now that there is an open issue FRG-593, please direct questions, comments, votes, and watching to that issue, instead of here. I’m locking this thread in favor of sending people to Jira.

Sorry for keeping you waiting, we are going to start development next week. We will keep FRGE-593 ticket status updated and share the release date when it is known.