Data Center Plugin calling external endpoints

Hi everyone!

Is it possible for a Jira Data Center plugin to call an external API endpoint (like AWS or Cloudflare)?
We have a Forge Plugin that is communicating with some external backend with Forge Remote. We also started to develop this plugin for Jira Data Center and we have to call these external API endpoints?
Is this possible on Data Center instances?
For example Tempo Plugin calls external endpoint in Datacenter Jiras?

Thank you very much for your answers!

In theory yes, but customers may have networking restrictions that can block your calls.

Thanks @markrekveld ! Do you know that the Data Center version of Tempo calls out to external endpoint?

Sorry @GyorgyVARGA I don’t know of any Data Center version that makes calls to Tempo.
I do know that Data Center version have a flag that allow administrators to disable external calls to the Marketplace.
If you are looking to add the feature to call outside the network of the customer with DC products, then maybe looking to having a similar flag, just to make it clear to the administrators. And maybe even make it opt-in to make it even more explicit.