Data duplication via nesting from the API

Does the API ever return duplicated data through object nesting?

For example, if I ask for a board (e.g. /1/boards/{idBoard}) with cards and lists, would it be possible to get another copy of a card’s data inside the cards property of one of the lists?

  "id": "boardX",
  "cards": [
      "id": "cardZ",
      "idList": "listY",
  "lists": [
      "id": "listY",
      "cards": [
          "id": "cardZ",

(The same kind of thing could occur for actions or any other object type.)

I’m trying to determine if I need to protect against things like this or if I can trust that the data will only be listed once in a single response.

I can’t figure out a way to get doubly-nested resources which is what would cause this. You should only be able to get one-layer deep in nested resources.

So you may end up with some duplicate fields, but you shouldn’t end up with an entire object multiple times within the same request.

Thanks. Just sanity checking.