Data Residency for Marketplace Apps Status Update

Hi @PurnaChandraBoyapati,

To fully support the various use cases of data residency both the regionBaseUrls and the dare-migration field have to be added to the Connect descriptor.

This is how they will be used:

  • the URLs defined as regionBaseUrls control the location/realm when an app is installed. If a customer moved a product to a specific location, when an app is installed, the corresponding location from the Connect descriptor will be selected. Even if the product has not been been moved to a specific location, the regionBaseUrls is used at app installation time if the app supports the location where the product is provisioned. More information can be found on the (Data residency developer documentation).
  • the lifecycle dare-migration field are used when a customer requests a migration for the app data. This happens when the app was installed in the Global location because either the product was not migrated yet or because the app didn’t support data residency. In cases like these, the customers will have to request the app data to be moved. The Advance Notice: Connect Data Residency Customer Rollout topic shows the UX for customers and the data residency migrations contains the details of the required hooks.

To recap, while there is no validation on the descriptor and only providing one or the other field is technically possible, both are required to support all possible scenario.

Hope this helps,