Debug plugin after changing piece of code

Hi All,

Iam developing plugin for jira as jar to create issues, using “atlas-run” to run it. i need to run everytime if iam changing single line of code, it is time consuming task,is there any way we can simply replace .class file in deployed folder and debug without using “atlas-run” command all the time.


You can use atlas-run to initially get Jira up with your app installed.
Then when you make changes you can run atlas-package followed by atlas-install-plugin see atlas-install-plugin


I have mainly been developing for Bitbucket Server, but there’s an addon Quick Reload that you need to activate after starting JIRA via atlas-run. Then it’s enough to run atlas-mvn package and the JIRA instance should instantly pickup your new addon version.

NOTE! Please change the category of this question from Jira Cloud to Jira Server.