Delete entity property on addon uninstallation


I have my jira connect spring boot add on enabled per project e.g.

    "jiraEntityProperties": [
        "key": "some-key",
        "name": {
          "value": "Some name",
          "i18n": "somekey"
        "entityType": "project",
        "keyConfigurations": [
            "propertyKey": "myPropKey",
            "extractions": [
                "objectName": "isEnabled",
                "type": "string"

so modules are defined conditionally

"jiraProjectPages": [
        "key": "some-page",
        "name": {
          "value": "Addon page"
        "url": "/my-addon-page-url",
        "iconUrl": "/images/icon.png",
        "weight": 1,
        "conditions": [
            "condition": "entity_property_equal_to",
            "params": {
              "entity": "project",
              "propertyKey": "myPropKey",
              "objectName": "isEnabled",
              "value": "true"

When uninstalling add on I want to remove entity properties.

I cant do that in /uninstalled hook as its executed asynchronously and I cant authenticate as add on, since its already been uninstalled e.g

atlassianHostRestClients.authenticatedAsAddon().delete("/rest/api/2/project/" + projectId + "/properties/myPropKey")

this will give me 401 error.

Is there any way of removing entity properties on uninstallation or enabling addon per project in some different way?
