Deprecating many Confluence v1 APIs that have v2 equivalents

Further to my earlier comment, I see that GraphQL is apparently not even available to Connect apps (!), making whatever GraphQL supports a moot point for the vast majority of existing apps. The last update I saw (Nov 22) said that there was no timeline to make GraphQL available to Connect.

There is also a lot of good commentary and criticism on the earlier thread where the beta v2 API was originally announced.

@TylerBrown mentioned there in October:

While we work towards moving away from expansions where possible, we would love to hear more of your feedback on how you are using expansions, the pain points removing them would cause, and anything we can do to make the transition easier. Once we know these we can work to make sure our V2 APIs are providing the appropriate solution.

I would be interested in closing the loop on this comment and understanding how these have been (or will be) addressed!

Another relevant comment is this:

As you all mention, removing expansions will cause the number of network requests to increase. This is a problem we are aware of, but we are okay with it for a number of reasons.

I think the concern here is that, even if Atlassian is OK with the additional network traffic, it seems likely to cause substantial overall performance penalties to us as vendors, so I think a lot of us are less “OK” with it than Atlassian might be.

Before Atlassian takes away the v1 API, I would like to suggest that GraphQL should:

(1) be made available to Connect apps,
(2) be made functionally equivalent to the v1 APIs that are being removed, and
(3) taken out of beta.

I imagine that it is undesirable to maintain two versions of the REST API at the same time. But please do not take away features that our apps rely on without providing equivalent replacements.