Deprecation of V1-Api Confluence – Major concerns

Dude this has been going on for about 12 months now. These issues have been raised numerous times.

At a bare minimum I think the community wish to see the v2 API fully completed and confirmed to have 100% parity before any deprecation date is set. That’s how it should have started in the beginning. If the revised plan is to now do that per endpoint, sure cool I guess, but it just complicates the matter.

Do we now need a lookup table to see which date an endpoint deprecates? Did the RFC response link to such a thing? Nope. I can find dozens of posts in the past few months reporting parity issues in the forums. I am yet to see any of these endpoint deprecation dates reset to +6 months. Why is that RFC response saying otherwise?

There are recent comments from Atlassian staff saying that completely new v2 endpoints to assist migration are “upcoming”. Yet the deprecation date remains static and has barely incremented (again) by +1 month, which very much signals to the community a failure to acknowledge their concerns.

It’s a waste of our time and an incredible disrespect to the ecosystem to force us all to start migration with the plain knowledge that parity is not there. Particularly when the v1 to v2 migration is going to require a complete rewrite on every call given how much functionality has been removed (a huge unaddressed concern).

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