Deprecation of V1-Api Confluence – Major concerns

Yes, I meant the parameters, in the OpenAPI sense which appear in paths and query strings, that affect how the resource is rendered and used by Apps.

RFC-19 was an assertion of both endpoint and functional coverage, and an ask to point out gaps, which are now being tracked as CONFCLOUD bugs.

Reading CONFCLOUD-76344, I can see your point. From the set over which I was more aware, I had observed more subtle interactions, like where expand was used to cleverly organize content & metadata. In redesign, those concepts are intended to have a cleaner split. Perhaps that’s why this straightforward query of labels was overlooked: it’s not exactly surprise (which was my choice of words) but maybe a complexity with an unclear solution in the new design paradigm?

In any case, I’d like to understand the underlying assertion that @JordanBurrows and @levente.szabo are making here. I was merely explaining our reasoning, but maybe we’re wrong? Are the gaps so numerous and apparent to you both that we should be looking closer at the “hold out” usage of v1 APIs? Are we talking about 1 or 2 endpoints, a dozen, more?