Duplicate attribute 'rel' in user tag

Hi guys,

I’m working for Elements Publish to Confluence and we are facing an error when trying to create a new confluence page with a Jira issue description containing an user tag :

com.atlassian.confluence.api.service.exceptions.BadRequestException: Error parsing xhtml: Duplicate attribute 'rel'

Indeed, when retrieving description from the issue renderedFields, the HTML for the user tag contains two attributes ‘rel’ :

<a href=\"https://xxx.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=xxx\" class=\"user-hover\" rel=\"xxx\" data-account-id=\"xxx\" accountid=\"xxx\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Bastien Fiorito</a>

So when trying to create a new confluence page using rest api, the service returns an BadRequestException due to bad HTML format.

So my questions is, are you aware of that problem and do we have a fix or workaround for this ?

Many thanks,