Endpoint for pull requests assigned to a user

I’m looking for a way to get all pull requests that are assigned to a user. So far this endpoint: repositories/{workspace}/{repository_name}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}?fields=reviewers will show me the reviewer assigned to that specific pull request. Is there a way to do that, but not for a specific pull request, rather all pull requests assigned to a user?


Hi @ReneePeti,

Looking at the REST APIs that are published, is this what you want?


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Thanks for the response! I don’t want PR’s authored by a user, I want PR’s assigned to a user – so the PR’s a user needs to review, not the PR’s that they created.

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Hi @ReneePeti,

I can’t see a way to do that. You might have to do it by grabbing the PRs and then in your code search them for the users you want.

We also this this request in JAC, which I suggest you vote for and comment on



OK, thank you!