Error when saving html via rest api : "Error parsing xhtml: Unexpected character '=' (code 61); ..."

Anyone have any idea what is causing this error?

Error parsing xhtml: Unexpected character ‘=’ (code 61); expected a semi-colon after the reference for entity ‘at’\n at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,871]

I get this error when updating a content resource via the rest api.
url = '
PUT method with JSON

  "version": {
    "number": 2
  "title": "Automation",
  "type": "page",
  "body": {
    "storage": {
      "value": "<a href=\"\">QA Build v1.0.1</a>",
      "representation": "storage"

here is the json i get back

  "statusCode": 400,
  "data": {
    "authorized": false,
    "valid": true,
    "errors": [],
    "successful": false
  "message": "Error parsing xhtml: Unexpected character '=' (code 61); expected a semi-colon after the reference for entity 'at'\n at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,871]"

I’m guessing its caused by the = equal sign.But I need that so that it shows in the confluence page as a link

It was caused because i didn’t escape & character in the html attribute. I replaced & with & a m p ; (I need to put spaces so it doesn’t get interpreted to & in this post) and it worked.