Error with org.springframework dependency in my plugin

What’s poppin’ guys.

I am trying to create a listener for a comment event for a plugin following this tutorial

But I get the following error:

[ERROR] Found a type [org.springframework.stereotype.Repository] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!
[ERROR] Found a type [org.springframework.stereotype.Service] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!
[ERROR] Found a type [org.springframework.stereotype.Controller] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!
[ERROR] Found a type [org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

I tried to solve the issue by adding


which solved the same error but for com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation, but it did not work.

Thanks in advance!