Expand a child of a query with JQL in Rest API v3

So i am able to fetch all issues of a project with the rest api and i’d like to get their changelogs or history. Can’t seem to write the good expand

Here’s my query :

/rest/api/3/search?jql=project=(projectId)&maxResults=100&expand =issues.changelog,changelog

What I receive is something like :

    "expand": "schema,names",
    "startAt": 0,
    "maxResults": 100,
    "total": 420,
    "issues": [
            "expand": "operations,customfield_10026.properties,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,customfield_10025.properties,renderedFields",
            "id": "134234",
            "key": "LOL-532",
            "fields": {

I’m interested in expanding every child in issues to get the changelog. What’s the right syntax here ?