Export to pdf for Confluence cloud

Hi @DharmaTeja ,

Thank you for raising this.

As of today, it is not possible to implement the export to PDF functionality from the client/frontend side.

The only option today is the one described on the https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/modules/dynamic-content-macro/ page. In particular, this paragraph:

Since Dynamic Content Macros are rendered in an iframe, you are able to include your own style sheets and javascript. You can use these to create a rich, interactive experience for your users. When your macro is exported to a static format such as PDF or Word, you can use the renderModes property to define a mapping between a certain type of output device and a static macro implementation. This will allow you to create a static view of your macro’s data where an interactive model is not appropriate.

There might be some options to achieve this but, based on the current technical implementation, they would require further investigation and development.

For the team to consider such effort, it would help if you could provide an answer to the following:

  • What is not possible to achieve today with the current implementation?
  • How would this feature help you/your team/the app development as well as the customers using them?

Thank you,

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