Fonts used in ADG3


can anybody tell me the Fonts used in ADG3 ?
Im especially interested in the font used in the Lozenges.


The font depends on the system the user is on.

On MacOS and IOS, these fonts are used:

  • SF UI Text
  • SF UI Display
  • Helvetica Neue (fallback)

Windows, Linux and Android users will see different fonts.

The reason, if I recall this correctly, is that Atlassian wants to use fonts that are available on the system itself. If they were to use a font that is not available on the system, the font file would become very big. The main reason for that is that the font has to support a lot of languages and thus a lot of different characters.

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The text in Lozenges have these characteristics:

  • 11 px
  • Bold
  • All caps

I’m basing this info on the Sketch file that is available on this page: