Hey team, I’ve created a new custom-ui forge app. I have been able to deploy and install, and open the project page successfully using the template setup.
As soon as I make any change, it can be as simple as change the text in the resolver, the view never presents, it just continues to animate.
There is no output in the log, not even the req log from getText.
resolver.define('getText', (req) => {
return 'Hello, Dev!';
If I open localhost:8000 I see the loading and the serving file in the tunnel output.
Serving file index.html for resource main
But nothing when open the page in JIRA. The below is the output using tunnel --verbose.
Variables: {
"input": {
"appId": "ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/a5dad50f-1017-4e77-83d7-6a560b15394a",
"environmentKey": "default"
◀️ GraphQL
Request ID: 6b05b5b604454524aa843ae193d9ad01
Result: {
"registerTunnel": {
"success": true,
"errors": null,
"tunnelId": "630d22ee-0565-4b36-97ba-972acd748f22",
"tunnelUrl": "https://630d22ee-0565-4b36-97ba-972acd748f22.tunnel.atlassian-dev.net"
How can I diagnose what is causing this? I’ve tried creating different forge apps and see the same behaviour.