Forge CLI version 5.0.0 - 31 August 2022

While we’re fixing the problem introduced in 5.0.0, we’ve set the latest tag to 4.5.2 so everyone installing or upgrading will get a working version.

If you have already successfully installed version 5.0.0 you can continue using that as well.

Dear Forge users,

The incident is now resolved. The status page has been updated with the latest information.

We are currently working on fixing the root cause of the issue in the 5.0.0 version. Once the fix is available, we will post a message on this topic and create a new CLI version which will appear in

Thank you again for your patience.
Best regards,


@WeiwenChi Unfortunately the container doesn’t have access to your host operating system’s secure storage capabilities, so your best bet would be to run Forge on your host machine or keep using environment variables.

If your host OS is Linux as well, you might be able to reuse the host keychain by connecting DBus from host to container, but this won’t be supported by Atlassian.

How about running it in Bitbucket Pipelines?
That will definitely need to be supported, and it uses Docker as well.
Please don’t break the ability to build in your own product.
If it’s not broken, we will need a guide on how to do that with the new version.

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And any other CI/CD environment. If that gets removed it will be quite challenging for us.

@MateKavaleczMidori and @danielwester, sorry, I was giving specific advice to the other person who was using a container for their local development.

The recommended way to authenticate Forge in CI/CD environments is by setting the environment variables, and the section in the Getting Started guide explains how to do this. You can use BitBucket variables, GitHub secrets and similar functionality in other systems.

The environment variables already work in Forge CLI 4.5.2, so you can give it a try - set FORGE_EMAIL and FORGE_API_TOKEN and remove forge login command from your pipelines.

Yes, but we’d like to get confirmation that version 5.0.x when it’s fixed will be able to function in a headless environment where a keystore might not be available. Is this the intent? Working around that limitation prior has been quite confusing/not-so-straightforward.

So can you please make verify that this will continue to be supported?

5.x will continue to work in headless environments, but logging in using environment variables will be required.

In a CI system, to log in to Forge, add FORGE_EMAIL and FORGE_API_TOKEN as secrets to your pipeline so they are exposed as environment variables when you are running forge commands, and remove forge login altogether. (This works on 4.5.2 and will keep working on 5.x.)

We understand that CI/CD is an important aspect of developing in Forge and are committed to keep providing this functionality and, when possible, improve it in the longer term. (No ETA here but we know some improvements could be made.)