Gadget fails to render in wallboard

Our iFrame for Jira gadget fails to render in wallboard mode. The error we see in the console is:

?dashboardId=10100:24 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:69
    at Function.globalEval (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:69)
    at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:181)
    at Function.each (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:70)
    at init.domManip (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:180)
    at init.append (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:175)
    at gadgetHtml (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US&sd_operational=true:6394)
    at batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US&sd_operational=true:6400
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

Looking at that line in the file doesn’t actually show us anything that could be failing. I am not seeing any docs specific to Wallboard compatibility. We were hoping someone could point us towards something we have obviously overlooked, or even some wallboard specific docs.


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Dashboard items from Atlassian Connect apps have never worked in Jira Cloud wallboards.

I have discussed this several times but currently, the answer by Atlassian is that they do not plan to support them as they are not sure about the future of wallboards [ACJIRA-490] - Ecosystem Jira. The current user experience is quite bad as there is no explanation to the user why they do not see dashboard items in the wallboard mode.

@dmeyer Do you have any update on this?

Kind regards,


Thanks a lot, fool I am for not searching EAN.

No plans to change this. Sorry guys.

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