Getting a list of users from our Organization


I’m using Jira Service Desk Cloud

I’ve used this GET (GET /admin/v1/orgs/{orgId}/users) request to get a list of all the users from our organization (not to be confused with organization groups) and I seem to be able to get a list but it doesn’t seem to be all of it.

I tried to use the ‘cursor’ parameter to see if I can go to the next page but using that makes no difference.

With the ‘cursor’ parameter the last user still shows as ‘Naveen’. I know we have more users than what is being displayed.

Would anyone know how I can get the rest of the users?

Is there a better way to do what I want?


Hi @HarryBob,

The documentation indicates the response from a query will include “a link to the next page of results” if “there are more results available after the current page”. So if you omit the cursor parameter from your first query, do you see a link to the next set of users?


Hello @dmorrow

I don’t see a link when I remove ‘cursor’.

Is this API pulling the list of users from here?


Hi @HarryBob,

I’m not sure about the implementation. Can you tell me what you do see?


Sure, this is what I see. Naveen is the last person on the list.

Hi @dmorrow,

Someone pointed out that The links appear at the bottom of the page which I see now. They normally appear at the top with the other types of requests that I was using so I was looking there.

All good now. Thanks :slight_smile:

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