Hack for "server started" notification

Does anyone have a favorite hack for making it super obvious when their local build server is up/running/ready (for Confluence server plugin development)?

I see this in the console:

[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] INFO: Server startup in 58073 ms
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] Tomcat 8.x started on port [1990]
[INFO] confluence started successfully in 79s at http://localhost:1990/confluence
[INFO] Type Ctrl-C to shutdown gracefully

but that’s not enough for my eyes. It’s buried amongst similar loglines. I don’t want to waste any time while I’m starting my server… I want something I can see out of the corner of my eye while I do something else or I want a system beep I can hear.

Has anyone already solved this? I’m going to try to hack my build/plugin/start-script/whatever to make it super obvious like:

*                  SERVER READY.  GO FOR IT.


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I just try to avoid shutting it down… :sweat_smile:

Especially with Confluence 7.x there sometimes seems to be a delay of a few minutes before I can access the web server (even though it looks like everything has started). So I really like your idea! :slight_smile:

What are you doing @sven.schatter :smiley:?
It takes roughly 60 seconds to get confluence up and running (if assigned enough memory :stuck_out_tongue:). Do you have very large testdata :sweat_smile: ?

:man_shrugging: Are you on Windows? I don’t know - even on my gaming rig it often seems to hicc up for me during startup. (speaking of an empty and clean installation with 2GB of memory assigned)

For a docker setup I implemented a health check of the container using the status API http://localhost:1990/confluence/status and curl / wget.