Hey Compass team, meet the Atlassian Ecosystem ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

Hey folks just following up that, as we promised, these changes were rolled out today hopefully addressing a lot of the issues everyone encountered.

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Hi @bartlomiejlewandowsk if you email me the site URL that youโ€™d like to test on, I can get you added to the feature flag. ksilver@atlassian.com

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Hi @KatieSilver on my test instance I have the option to enable Compass Components for specific projects but with the latest Compass changelog all the APIs have been reverted.

Where can I request for my instance to be enrolled in EAP so I can test the Components APIs changes related to Compass? I want to be able to test with the API changes that will soon rollout.

When exactly will the rollout happen again?

hey @LeoNunes thanks for checking in. We donโ€™t have any plans to take away the backwards compatibility from the APIs. If anything is planned weโ€™ll definitely give yโ€™all the appropriate notice.

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@KatieSilver thanks for clarifying that.

So the documentation for the APIs Get project components paginated and Get project components should probably be updated. Because currently it says:

If your project uses Compass components, this API will return a paginated list of Compass components that are linked to issues in that project.

But even when Compass is enabled and have issues linked to the Compass component in that project the API does not return them, it only returns the Jira Components. For us this is the expected behavior.


Good catch. Iโ€™ll make sure we get that updated.