Hosted Data Storage for Bitbucket Cloud

Hi there,
I’m planning to create a BitbucketCloud Addon with Atlassian Connect and I would need to store some little configuration (a few key-values). I read this article about hosted data storage for Atlassian Connect, but I don’t see those endpoints in the Bitbucket Cloud REST API. Is there a way to store key-value properties for my addon in Bitbucket Cloud without having my own database?


Hi @ferllarom,

Hosted Data Storage is only available for JIRA and Confluence Cloud not for Bitbucket Cloud.
So you’ll need to use your own data storage.

Thanks @pvandevoorde for the quick response!

Hi @ferllarom, @pvandevoorde,

Bitbucket Cloud recently rollout out hosted data storage! We announced it recently at AtlasCamp. You can read the docs here: Application properties