How can I list webhooks(declared in add-on atlassian-connect.json) in Post Functions of worflow?

Hello Team,

I have the atlassian connect app’s json as,

“webhooks”: [

  	"name": "mywebhookom",
  	"key": "myHook10",
    "event": "jira:issue_updated",
    "url": "/issueUpdated",
    "excludeBody": false,
    "filter": "project = DP AND issuetype = 'Risk Assessment'",
    "propertyKeys": [
      "Risk Assessment"
    "scopes": [
    "read", "write"

so how can I add the webhook called “mywebhookom” in post function of workflow?

The link below is the my atlassian-connect app,

How can this be configured in jira SYSTEM, webhooks section?

Like I have a method in controller, to receive the data from a callback,

@RequestMapping(consumes = “application/json”, produces = “application/json”, value = “/issueUpdated”, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String issueUpdated(@RequestBody String json) throws ServletException, IOException {

	String receivedData = json;

	String var = webh.webhookProcess(json);

	return "RiskAcceptableLevelProjectList";

can I mention like in SYSTEM, webhooks section?

Please help with any suggestions!


Ramjeevan Tadi