How can I parse the storage format of tables in a Forge trigger app if DOMParser and jsdom are not supported in the Forge runtime environment?

As mentioned in my previous post How to fetch the properties of a page in the update trigger, I discovered that I need to parse the HTML code of the tables in the content’s storage format.

Initially, I attempted to use the DOMParser, but the Forge runtime environment does not support this API since the trigger app runs in the background.

Next, I tried using the jsdom library but received warnings during forge deploy, and forge tunnel refused to run. The warnings include:

WARN    ⚠️  the 'perf_hooks' module is not supported by Forge, please refer to the documentation at
WARN    ⚠️  the 'child_process' module is not supported by Forge, please refer to the documentation at
WARN    ⚠️  the 'net' module is not supported by Forge, please refer to the documentation at
WARN    ⚠️  the 'tls' module is not supported by Forge, please refer to the documentation at
WARN    ⚠️  the 'tty' module is not supported by Forge, please refer to the documentation at

Therefore, I’m wondering how I can parse the storage format in a trigger app?